
Being Nice Vs Being Hot!

Being Nice Vs Being Hot!

Life is changing! This change is even more rapid than we can ever imagine. Now gone are the days when being nice was appreciated and preferred!

This is the era of appearance! If you’ve got some looks, you exist or else, who cares! This is something each of us knows, hence I don’t think anyone would need illustration to believe that in the war between ‘Being nice Vs being hot’, obviously being hot wins.

This rapid change often compels me to wonders, if this change should actually take place? I often think about this and the only conclusion I have ever came at is the fact this change is definitely giving a new direction (obviously negative) to humanity. Now being good at your behavior, honesty, etiquette and loyalty hardly matters. The only and only thing that matter is your god damn looks.

I believe this change started after late 90s. It won’t be wrong to say that glamorous entertainment world has a big hand in initiating this change.

Previously this kind of attitude (judging someone with his/her look) was confined to making friends/boyfriends/girlfriends, but shockingly it has gone to the next step and now most of the people are even choosing their life partners of the basis of looks (only). They rarely look of other abilities (how romantic he/she is, loyalty, compatibility and so on) that an ideal life partner should posses.

This change isn’t just in big countries like U.S & U.K, even in growing countries like India; youth has the same kind of attitude.

I’m not someone who can actually peep into the future and can tell what’s actually going to happen after following this unidirectional approach, but the one thing that I can definitely predict is that after sometime, it will really be difficult to find a nice human.
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