
Best Oil for Hair

Best Oil for Hair

You must have heard your Grandma saying that massaging with the appropriate hair oil can work wonders to get those healthy locks of hair. Even today, this age old advice that has been passed down from one generation to another, is relevant. Usage of oil is commonly recommended for hair loss problems. Whether it is receding hair lines or patchy hair loss, a scalp massage with the best oil for hair loss has proven to be successful in accelerating hair growth. Read more on best essential oils for hair.

Best Oil for Hair Growth

Which oil to use to strengthen and nourish the hair? Is there any oil that could stimulate hair growth. Following are some of the best oils to revitalize and speed up hair growth:

Olive Oil
A useful tip for faster hair growth involves the use of olive oil. The important constituents of olive oil, that include vitamin D, vitamin E, and B vitamins (niacin and biotin), help to get rid of bald patterns on the scalp. Hair regrowth is certainly possible by daily massaging the scalp with olive oil. Many hair experts regard olive oil as the best oil for hair loss. Vitamin E in olive oil helps to improve blood flow to the scalp, which in turn stimulates hair growth. When it comes to its usage, a carrier oil such as jojoba oil is added to olive oil and then it is applied on the scalp. Read more on olive oil for hair growth.

Coconut Oil
Another oil that has been effective to encourage hair growth is coconut oil. When it comes to proper hair care, many people prefer to use coconut oil. It is inexpensive and considered to be the best oil for hair conditioning. A scalp massage with coconut oil is a recommended approach to significantly decrease hair loss. As minerals and vitamins form important ingredients of coconut oil, its application on the scalp not only improves hair growth but also helps to correct damaged hair. Read more on coconut oil for hair growth.

Castor Oil
Omega 9 fatty acids found in castor oil, act as a great moisturizer, thereby helping to prevent scalp dryness. Using castor oil on a regular basis is the simplest way to ensure regrowth of hair. Those complaining about thinning of hair can use castor oil, as it assists to thicken hair.

One way of using castor oil is to first apply the oil in its pure form on the scalp, before going to bed. Wear a plastic cap and with a clean towel, cover the hair. Do the remove the towel and the cap until dawn. In the morning, rinse the scalp with a mild shampoo. This method of treatment has to be implemented once a week. Generally after 5 to 6 applications, one will notice improvement in the form of significant hair growth. Read more on castor oil for hair.

Almond Oil
Hair nourishment to prevent hair loss can be safely achieved with almond oil. To strengthen and revitalize hair growth, one can certainly rely on almond oil. A daily massage with this widely regarded best oil for hair is the key to induce hair growth. Read more on almond oil for hair.

Combining Hair Oils
Another remedy that has helped to stimulate hair growth is to prepare a solution by mixing commonly used hair oils. People suffering from hair loss problems are often advised to take castor oil, coconut oil and olive oil in equal amounts and then mix it. The mixture is then heated for some time. Now the mixture is allowed to cool and once it becomes warm, one can apply it on the scalp. Massage this solution for 5 - 10 minutes to nourish the scalp.

A Useful Tip On Hair Growth

Complete dependence on the best oil for hair growth and ignoring a healthy diet can only give disappointing results. Best hair oil treatment coupled with a protein rich diet is considered to be the right combination to regain thick, luxuriant hair. Hair is composed of 85 - 88% of proteins, hence having foods high in protein is essential to restore those beautiful locks of hair.

Although, the best oil for hair works to prevent baldness and generates hair growth, don't expect results overnight. A time period of 6 to 7 weeks is generally required to overcome hair loss problems and see noticeable improvement.
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